FM WhatsApp has a lot of information, and we shared it only to increase our knowledge. FM WhatsApp has no warranties for the reliability or accuracy of information shared on this site. Your searches and steps on this site are based on your own risk. FM WhatsApp will not be liable for any loss caused by your actions on this site.
Other website links are present, and you can visit these sites through our mentioned links. Many links on the FM WhatsApp website are related to other websites, and their purpose is to share information. We do not control these sites. Our website privacy policy is present. You should read these policies before uploading any documents on the site.
No Liability
While using the FM WhatsApp website, any data loss, damage, or other problems arise from the website. FM WhatsApp will not be liable for any data loss and other damages. All actions are at your own risk.
Update and Changes
We have the right to change the disclaimer without notice. Users should remain connected with these sites and read their new changes. Site owners can also change.
About temporarily Banned Account
You also know that FM WhatsApp is a third-party developer. If you take any step that violates FM WhatsApp’s privacy, your account can be banned temporarily. We recommend not using your first preference number to create this site.ย
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